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Xiaodong Fang
Jan 20, 2020
How could pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong and China learn from the legacy of Martin Luther King
Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day (The 2020 MLK Day). As the pro-democracy protests with the large-scale demonstrations continue in...

Xiaodong Fang
Dec 23, 2019
Gaming: a new approach to spread pro-democracy movement in China
Players of GTA V from Hong Kong and mainland China clash on GTA V. According to a BBC report, "They (Players in Hong Kong) spread the...

Xiaodong Fang
Oct 1, 2019
CCP didn't conquer China on Oct. 1, 1949, not even Today. Don't give up the anti-Communist groups
The People's Republic China was established on Oct. 1, 1949, by the China Communist Party (CCP) at Tiananmen Square. However, the...

Xiaodong Fang
Sep 25, 2019
Do this, not that. 3 Tips for U.S. activism promoting Hong Kong/China's democracy and human rights
The "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act" designed to support democratic freedoms in Hong Kong by increasing pressure on Chinese...

Xiaodong Fang
Sep 9, 2019
What's next with Hong Kong? "Sublime" and elevate the democracy to China
My expectation for the future move of #HongKongers is synthesized as one word: "Sublime". After the strategy of #bewater, "sublime" is...

Xiaodong Fang
Aug 21, 2019
A proposal of electoral system in a democratic China: Electoral College
As an observer of U.S. presidential elections, as well as a scholar of American political systems and Presidency, I propose a revised...

Xiaodong Fang
Aug 18, 2019
Trajectories of China-bashing influencing China
Here is a diagram showing the concept of how could China-bashing by U.S. candidates influence China. As we can see from the diagram...
Xiaodong Fang
Aug 15, 2019
How could the China-bashing by presidential candidates change China, effectively
When bashing China in his or her campaign rhetoric, the U.S. presidential candidate is, whether intentionally or consequently, proposing...
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