President Trump, as you begin your second term in office, it is crucial to address the growing threat of authoritarianism in China and take decisive action to promote democracy and freedom for the Chinese people.
The Authoritarian Threat
China's authoritarian regime under Xi Jinping has become increasingly repressive in recent years. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has tightened control over all aspects of life, including the media, online speech, religious practice, businesses, and civil society. This systematic suppression of human rights and civil liberties poses a significant challenge not only to the Chinese people but also to the values of democracy and freedom that the United States holds dear.

Urgent Need for Action
The situation in China demands immediate attention and action from your administration. The CCP's actions in Xinjiang, where hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs remain imprisoned as part of the government's crimes against humanity, are particularly alarming. The regime has also ended long-protected civil liberties in Hong Kong, effectively dismantling the "one country, two systems" framework.
Promoting Democracy and Human Rights
As president, you have the opportunity to lead a robust effort to counter China's authoritarianism and promote democratic values. Here are some key actions to consider:
Strengthen economic pressure: Expand targeted sanctions on Chinese officials and entities responsible for human rights abuses. Consider revoking China's Most Favored Nation trade status and phasing out imports of essential goods from China to exert economic pressure on the regime.
Bolstering pro-democracy movements: Increase funding and support for pro-democracy activists, independent media, and civil society organizations within China and Hong Kong. This can help nurture the seeds of democratic change from within.
Enhance diplomatic efforts: Work with allies to form a united front against China's human rights violations. Coordinate multilateral efforts to hold China accountable in international forums.
Protect technology and intellectual property: Strengthen measures to prevent the theft of U.S. technology and intellectual property by Chinese entities. This can help maintain America's technological edge and prevent the misuse of advanced technologies for authoritarian control.
Counter Chinese propaganda: Invest in efforts to expose and counter the CCP's global disinformation campaigns and authoritarian narratives. This can help prevent the normalization of authoritarian practices on the world stage.
Balancing Interests and Values
While pursuing these actions, it is important to maintain a balanced approach that considers both national security interests and the promotion of democratic values. Engaging with China on issues of mutual concern, such as climate change and global health, should continue alongside efforts to challenge its authoritarian practices.
Please Help Chinese People for Freedom
Mr. President, your administration has a unique opportunity to make a lasting impact on the future of China and global democracy. By taking strong, principled action against China's authoritarianism and actively promoting democratic values, you can help create a more free and just world for generations to come.
The Chinese people, like all people, deserve the right to live in freedom and dignity. It is time for the United States to lead the way in making this aspiration a reality.