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Writer's pictureXiaodong Fang

China's Illegal Surveillance: The Unveiling of AI-Powered Technological Control

In recent years, China has made significant advancements in harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) technology to bolster its surveillance capabilities. From facial recognition systems to smart city initiatives, the Chinese government has embraced AI as a tool for enhancing security, maintaining social order, and exerting control over its population. While proponents argue that these measures can improve public safety,

"we must express concerns about privacy violations and the potential for an Orwellian surveillance state."

This article aims to shed light on China's massive use of AI technology for surveillance and its implications for society.

Facial Recognition Technology - A Violation of Privacy

China has become a global leader in facial recognition technology, employing it extensively in various aspects of daily life. From airports and train stations to shopping malls and residential communities, cameras equipped with AI algorithms can swiftly identify individuals and match them against databases of wanted persons. This technology is utilized for a range of purposes, including criminal identification, border control, and tracking the movement of citizens.

Photo from Unsplash

Social Credit System - For Totalitarian Control

One of the most controversial applications of AI surveillance in China is the Social Credit System. This system assigns citizens a numerical score based on their behavior, including financial responsibility, social interactions, and adherence to government policies. By analyzing vast amounts of data collected from surveillance cameras, online activities, and other sources, AI algorithms determine an individual's score, which can then impact their access to various services and privileges. Supporters argue that the system incentivizes positive behavior, while critics view it as a tool for social control and a violation of personal freedoms.

Smart Cities and "Safe" Cities - Only for the CCP's Regime

China has invested heavily in building smart cities equipped with extensive surveillance infrastructure. Through a network of cameras, sensors, and data analysis systems, AI technology monitors public spaces, traffic, and environmental conditions. The goal is to enhance urban planning, improve public safety, and respond swiftly to emergencies. However, concerns have been raised regarding the potential abuse of this infrastructure, as it can easily be repurposed for mass surveillance and suppression of dissent.

Internet Monitoring and Censorship - The Big Brother is Watching You

China's surveillance efforts extend beyond physical spaces into the digital realm. The "Great Firewall" is an elaborate system of internet monitoring and censorship, which employs AI algorithms to filter and block online content deemed sensitive or politically subversive.

Photo from Unsplash

This system ensures strict control over the flow of information and stifles dissenting voices. The integration of AI into this framework enables more efficient identification and suppression of online activities that deviate from government-approved narratives.


China's utilization of AI technology for surveillance purposes has garnered criticism for its potential to infringe upon individual rights and privacy. While the Chinese government argues that these measures are necessary to maintain social stability, the wide-reaching surveillance systems have raised concerns about the erosion of personal freedoms.

As China moves forward with its surveillance initiatives, it is crucial to have open discussions about the ethical implications (which is forbidden inside China) and ensure that the responsible use of AI technology respects the rights and dignity of individuals.

Therefore, I call on international AI companies to contain China's development of illegal surveillance. I also call on the free world governments to sanction on the Chinese government's violation using AI technololgy on freedom and human rights.


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